cheesecake picture with blueberries and strawberries
Flyer for Mental Health Night
Kids holding decorated balloons
Stack of books on a table
Children Holding up certificates for an award
Mrs Bates holding an award
Students listening to speakers
Veterans sitting in assembly
Free family movie night flyer with Minions
Thrid grade kids smiling
5th graders looking at police car
Description of Red Ribbon Week activities
Class Halloween picture
soda cup with straw
Kindergarten class with sunglasses
2nd grade class with treats for winning the House points contest...................................................................................
Leopard Leaders for Spetember
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Reflections Reminder
Mrs. Wilson's class finished the first part of our first BIG Unit of CKLA! To celebrate, we did a STEM activity to build castles inspired by the Middle Ages, which is what we have been learning about in language arts. We have so much fun challenging ourselves to include parts of real castles, like windows, moats, and turrets. It was hard to use sugar cubes, but we think we did a pretty good job!